degree of a planet in astrology
degree of a planet in kundali

The Degrees of a Planet in a Kundali (Birth Chart)

The degrees of a planet in a kundali (birth chart) play an important role in astrology as they show how strong or mature a planet is and how it influences your life. Here’s a simplified explanation:

1. Strength of the Planet

  • Early Degrees (0° to 1°): A planet in the early part of a sign is like a child—its effects might feel raw or not fully developed.
  • Middle Degrees (14° to 16°): A planet in the middle of a sign is at its peak strength, giving its best results.
  • Late Degrees (28° to 30°): A planet here is finishing its job in that sign, and its influence might mix with traits of the next sign.

2. Maturity

  • Planets mature as they move through the degrees. A fully mature planet (around 15°) expresses its qualities clearly and strongly.

3. Special Degrees

  • Certain degrees in a sign are considered more powerful, and planets placed there can have a stronger impact.

4. Close to Borders

  • When a planet is near the edge of a sign (around 29° or 0°), it may show traits of both the current sign and the next one.

5. Weakness (Combustion)

  • If a planet is very close to the Sun, it gets “burned” (combust), making its influence weaker or harder to feel.

6. Planetary Angles

  • The exact degree of a planet determines how strongly it affects other planets or areas of your life through its aspects (the way it “looks” at other planets).

7. Yoga Formation

  • Planetary combinations (yogas) depend on the degrees of the planets involved. The closer they are in degrees, the stronger the yoga’s effects.

8. Nakshatra and Pada

  • A planet’s degree tells which nakshatra (star group) it’s in, giving more details about its effects. The nakshatra’s smaller divisions (padas) provide even finer insights.

9. Retrograde Planets

  • For retrograde planets (those moving “backward”), their degree can make their influence more focused or intense in specific areas of life.

10. Timing Events

  • The degree of a planet helps astrologers predict when certain events or life changes might happen using techniques like dasha systems or transit analysis.

In simple terms, a planet’s degree is like its “age” or “phase” within a zodiac sign, and it helps astrologers understand how that planet will influence your life.
