Anant Ambani Horoscope Analysis
Anant Ambani Horoscope Analysis

Anant Ambani Horoscope: Kundali Analysis


We at AstroApp always bring to you the horoscope analysis of famous personalities and celebrities. Today we have Anant Ambani the son of the indian business tycoon Mukesh Ambani. He is in very much limelight these days due to the grand pre wedding party organized at his hometown in Gujarat.

Our team of astrologers on astroapp, analysed the horoscope of anant in depth to figure out the most precised prediction based on vedic astrology. So lets continue…

Anant Ambani Birth Details

Full Name: Anant Ambani
Date of Birth: Monday, April 10th 1995
Time of Birth: 00:00 HRS
Place of Birth: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Longitude: 72 E 50
Latitude: 18 N 58

Zodiac Sign

Moon Sign: Cancer
Nakshatra: Pashyami
Sun Sign (Western): Aries
Sun Sign (Indian): Pisces


You are a sensitive and emotional person. The hard knocks of this world have more effects on you than they have on most other people, and you lose some of the enjoyment of life in consequence. What other people say and think of you is taken by you to heart. Thus, there are a certain number of things which cause you unhappiness which, after all, are not worth troubling about.Your manner is quiet, as a rule, and this quality gives you the appearance of being strong and determined in the eyes of your fellow-men and women. It enables you to get your own way when you want it.You do not say as much as you think and while you are thinking, you are reasoning. It follows that your judgement is worth having and people will flock to you for advice.You have several excellent qualities. You are highly sympathetic, which makes you a good friend. You are loyal and patriotic and are thus a first class citizen. You are, or would be a most lovable parent. You are, or would be, everything that your partner could desire. Clearly, the good qualities of yours far outweigh the others.

Happiness and Fulfillment

You are brave and ambitious. Unafraid to take chances and enact their plans, you are extremely active individual who stimulates others into action. A busy person who is always doing something constructively, you rarely misuse energy. If what you are doing with your life is unfulfilling, you are unafraid to change it.

Life Style

You are motivated to enhance your sex life. If other factors make you feel that material possessions are a requirement, you are motivated to gain much money. Whatever your goals, however, sex is the motivating factor. Recognise this, and rather than fight it, use it to best advantage.


Look for a career where you can use your abilities to carry out projects in minute detail. These projects must be perfect, and you will not be under pressure to limit the time it takes to complete them. For instance, if you go into interior design, you should have clients who have enough money to spend so that you can do an elegant job.


You have, above all, a facility for putting thoughts into eloquent words. Thus, you would do admirably as a journalist, a lecturer or even as a traveller salesman. Never would you be at a loss for something to say. This quality would fit you for a teacher also. But, when your impatient moods overtake you, you would fare badly. In almost any occupation requiring quick thinking, you will succeed very well. But, it must not be monotonous work or you will prove an utter failure. You like change and variety, so that any job which takes you up and down the country or to some far-flung outpost, will be suitable for you. You will fare better as your own master than when working for somebody else. You want to come and go when you like and, to be able to do this, you must be your own master.


You are physically very strong but can overwork yourself at times. Whatever you do, you try and execute it with perfection while feeling a little pressured, as a result of which you attain fruitful results. Try not to feel overconfident when your senior or boss praises you. Act wisely in your professional life, as it is going to incur favorable outcomes. Devote a little more time towards meals and post-meal walks. Eradicate the laziness inside you and at the same time, remain aware of your habit of overworking. Avoid taking long holidays. In terms of health, you may suffer from heart-related diseases, but you will also be able to overcome them. If you have performed excessive work, society will honor you.


You set rather a high value on your leisure and begrudge losing any part of it when a rush of work comes along. Your aim is to spend as much time as possible in the open air, which is, of course, highly wise of you. You are not a lover of strenuous games. But, such pastimes as walking, rowing, fishing and nature study are more in keeping with your ideals.

Love Matters

You need love as much as food. You are capable of deep affection and make excellent partner. You must guard against marrying someone with a lower status than yours because you lack just the toleration required for making such a union success. You are a true charmer, have excellent taste and tend to seek contact with artistic people.


Financial conditions will be very contradictory for you. You will have runs of luck to be followed by equal periods of reverses when nothing will appear to go right. You should avoid speculation and gambles of all kinds and hold your inclination for extravagance well in check. You also come under peculiar and other uncertain conditions in the matter of finance. You may gain money in fits and starts, but you will not be likely to keep it. Your ideas are liable to be too advanced for the generation, you will live in. You will have a desire for indulging in speculation, but as a rule, you will be disposed to back the underdog. Your best chances in relation to the new ideas are, such as electric inventions, wireless, radio, T.V., cinemas and unusual building or construction work, also in literature or highly imaginable creations.

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